Wednesday 12 December 2012

Students' artwork has pride of place in restaurant

Aspiring artists from Abraham Guest Academy have been showcasing their work in Debenhams Restaurant, following a brand new colour revamp in the Wigan store. Students from year 10 were approached to supply art from their GCSE coursework by restaurant manager Tracey Hampson, a former Abraham Guest student.

Subject leader for art and design Sharon Barnes said, 'the students took inspiration from a mixture of fine art and modern art based on interiors and colour'. The paintings are displayed along two walls of the Restaurant, sitting perfectly with the bright new colour scheme.

Amy Sherman, 15, took inspiration from Chris Baker and Bella Foster and described the techniques for creating the multi layered pieces, 'We looked at the work of other artists, then created little versions of our own. We then blew them up into bigger pictures and used acrylic, tissue paper and pva to build them up'.

Billy Lowe, 15, from Pemberton, said 'Art is my favourite subject. When I'm older I hope to be a tattooist'. Elysia Harvey, 15, from Marsh Green said, 'My favourite artist is Bella Foster. Art is my favourite subject, but I hope to go into the army as a medic. My Dad likes drawing so art runs in the family'.

The concept is new for Debenhams in Wigan and the new bright look of the Restaurant has gone down a treat with the customers. Tracey was keen to do something unique to Wigan: 'as far as I know we're the only store doing this at the moment'.

Video: Tracey Hampson discusses the project

Sharon Barnes added, 'I think its a fantastic achievement for the students, its great that their work is being seen by lots of people. The partnership between Debenhams and the school is great because now we can get more of the students art into the community, which gives them a lot of motivation'.

Slideshow: The collection of paintings by the students displayed in Debenhams Restaurant, Wigan.

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